
Dhangadi Cricket Academy gets NCA affiliation

Cricnepal/Kathmandu: Dhangadi Cricket Academy(DCA), the first cricket academy from far west has received it’s affiliation from National Cricket Academy(NCA) and will be running the programs under NCA.

Member of Cricket Association of Nepal(CAN) Keshab Pahari and president of DCA, Subash Shahi signed the agreements in a program organized at Tribhuwan University Ground.

“Affiliation to DCA is our first step towards broadening the NCA and it’s programs to the other parts of Nepal”, said Binod Das, the coach at NCA. The affiliation period is one year, he added. DCA will organize programs under NCA for the next one year and the cricket kits and the coach would be sent from NCA while the talent being brought to the center.

After signing the paper, Shahi from DCA said,”We have about 50 players from the age group 11 to 19 training as per our program. With the affiliation to NCA, we are exicted and will be running the NCA’s Under 12 program within this month.” “It will be a great chance for our players to play at the national level. Coaches along with Pubudu being in the academy will certainly boost up our player’s morale”, he added.

DCA which was formed on November of last year and have already organized Dhangadi Cricket League last month.