In Focus

Nepal Cricket in human-trafficking case

Melbourne – Nepal Cricket is going through a lean patch, first with their Cricketing body – Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) being suspended by International Cricket Council (ICC) and now with a human-trafficking case.

On July 16 2016, a pool of Nepalese cricket players like Siddhant Lohani, Amit Shrestha, Faijal Khan, Saurabh Khanal, Ram Naresh Giri, Prem Tamang & Sonu Tamang reached Narita, Chiba (Japan) along with former CAN member – Kiran SJB Rana to play a friendly tournament.

According to Annapurna National Daily,  18-member travelled to Japan to play three friendly matches against the local clubs. The crew were granted with 15-days visa. On July 20, Seven players and two officials only returned to Nepal and remaining nine are missing.

“Among those nine people, only two played the cricket matches and rest were unknown to us”, one of the cricketer told Annapurna.

The ICC has a deep concern over this issue they have asked the Nepalese stakeholders to investigate. Bandula Warnapura, the ICC Asia development officer has asked National Coach – Jagat Tamata for the clarification from the players.

Meanwhile, the Skipper of Nepalese Cricket team and the general secretary of Cricket Players Association Nepal (CPAN) – Paras Khadka on Friday has expressed his concern over the news in the media.

“CPAN is utterly dismayed by the news and feels that this has caused serious damage to the reputation of Nepal Cricket and players”, the press release said.

“We urge relevant government authorities to investigate the matter at the earliest and find out the truth. We also urge relevant authorities to initiation legal action against those who will be found guilty”, the release added.

The press release published by CPAN believes that any such type of tours needs to be regulated by either CAN or relevant sports authorities to prevent any such events in future.